Welcome to Manny’s Portfolio: showcasing Past Work, Advertising for Future PAYE Work

My Portfolio Site

Web Developement and Marketing

This site exists to show past WordPress Web Development and Web Marketing Ive done in: Portsmouth, London, Winchester, Bristol and Hong Kong and East Africa. They have been for different businesses including: a Garage, Office Supplies and PC Repairs, A Scouts Group, Local Politician (Deputy Leader of the Council), Cricket League, Multi Venue Soccer Club, in Hong Kong. The portfolio page shows these and a few more and the impact its had on their business. I’m open to part time PAYE web development and marketing work based in the UK.


I plan on teaching people or persons, one to one or in small groups any of the following:

  • How to Use and edit a WordPress Website.
  • The building blocks of websites with HTML, CSS and Javascript
  • PC Repair Taken from a course that has resulted in me not calling a PC Tech in 14 years and building my own PC’s This is called the Comptia A+
  • Electrical Circuit Technology from Level 2 to level 5 (HND 2nd Year Degree).
  • Python programming followed by Python and the Raspberry PI

Average Down Time of Web Hosting

12 minutes a month or 99.97% uptime

Percentage of Repeat Paying Customers

90%+ approx

Percentage Increase of relevant Calls

often over 200+ percentage (doubling or more)

Quantity Of Increase in Profit

Companies will not divulge that information to me or theyll feel they have to pay me more


The number of relevant customers that will see your facebook ad for every £2 spent on FB marketing


The number of relevant customers that visit your site that it takes to make a sale


The number of customers that visit your site out of 1000 ad views. Meaning it generally costs from £5 to £10 to make a sale.

How can I help?

If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out to me. I’m here

Where is tuition likely to take place?

Tuition will take place online, at either my flat or your place of work. Home tuition is aimed at adults over 21. Or for young people under 18 with a parent present.

What are your operating hours?

Saturday afternoons are a good time for tuition. I work ant-social hours in my other job so please call to book one week in advance.

Where are consultations for web work held?

I either come to: your place of work, conduct meetings VIA zoom, or microsoft teams, we can meet in Star Bucks or the John Pounds Centre. We pay for our own coffees seperately.

Is parking available at my location?

Parking is hard to find at my location you can try street parking.