How I Work

I work on a PAYE basis for £15 an hour. It takes me about 6 hours to make each different page structure for the pages that make up a website. So a website might consist of 8 pages, the page structure of some may be the same meaning it will be a case of re-using 4 different page structures and putting 8 different pages worth of content on them.

As well as the pages that make up a website, every website has to be marketed. The bigger the business or, if there is a lot of competition in the area, the more the site has to be marketed. As such, smaller businesses may only take between 6 to 10 hours a month to market. Whilst the larger ones may take more. The largest businesses I've marketed is the John Pounds Centre, you can see info about it on this link: John Pounds. It took about 8 hours a day once a week, over 6 months to market.

Maintenace and Labour

This will usually take little longer than the marketing, once the site is up and running for the small businesses ive worked for where the services have been pretty static. However if the products change quite a lot often then it will take longer than simply marketing.

Some Important Definitions

Hosting and Domain Names Definition

A definition for hosting can be found by clicking on this link: hosting definition. Youtube video. A definition for domain names can be found clicking on the following link: domain names definition. Youtube video.

Domain name and Hosting Suppliers

This price will be dependent upon you supplying your own images, and having a good idea of what you want to write on the website. Other mandatory charges include domain names, hosting and maintenance. I use >http://godaddy.comfor hosting as the prices are not bad and tech support is ok to good. For domain names I use: I dont use them hosting as the tech support greatly varies.

Facebook Marketing (Campaigns)

I tend to use facebook marketing over Google Pay Per Click Marketing for business to consumer marketing. This is because your add, can be shown on 1000 people timelines for £2 a day when you run a campaign. You can also target different parts of the population to show the advert to down to which town and road as well as demographic (nationality gender etc), interests, jobs. If done well you can get good results for your ads. Its also fast, by which i mean once your website is up and running you can show it to thousands of people. Facebook Ad marketing is best done with a website. For a small business it usually takes 6-8 hours to set the ad up and about 2 hrs a week of tweaking and monitoring its performance.

Instagram Marketing

I tend not to seperate my Ad based marketing into instagram and fb marketing, because when you run a FB campaign it automatically creates instagram ads as well.

Other social Media Marketing X (Twitter) LinkedIn etc.

There is a case for using each type of marketing, so for business to business linkedin may be more expensive but more effective.Ive made more in depth notes on social media marketing that only a fellow marketer wanting to go into some detail would appreciate: they are on these pages Facebook Marketing and Social Media Marketing