Powerpoint Recorded Presentations on Social Media

Presentation 1: What social Media is

This presentation introduces and defines different types of social media some of which you may not think of as such and some of which you know already.

I would highly recommend buying the for Dummies books, reading this book: Social Media Marketing all in one for dummies 5th Edition. Will put you ahead of most people. As what I found is most people dont read books and think they know it all when it comes to social media.

Kindle: Social Media Marketing all in one for Dummies 5e (Kindle)

Paperback: Social Media Marketing all in one for Dummies 5e (Paperback)

Presentation 2: Useful Metrics/Figures/Calculations in Making The Business Case

Presentation 3: Marketing in Social Media Marketing B2C

Presentation 4: B2B Marketing in Social Media Marketing includes B2B and B2C Marketing Plan